Five Easy Fast Food Meals That Don’t Require Hitting up the Drive Thru

We live in a society where we want many things fast. Don’t want to cook? We want to get a meal fast and sometimes that means hitting the drive thru. It doesn’t take much effort when you’re driving home from a long day of work. I remember these days very clearly. Wendy’s was my go-to. “I’ll take a number 1 with cheese and ketchup only with a diet coke.” Sometimes I would eat it in the car, other times I would wait until I got home. Next thing I knew, I was on the couch for a nap.

Two questions I had to ask myself:

  • Are Wendy’s cheeseburgers my absolute favorite burger?
  • What can I replace that’s also fast and convenient?

The answer was no, Wendy’s is not my favorite. So, I started to replace a high calorie mediocre fast meal with something more nutritious, but still satisfying.



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1.) Canned tuna or chicken





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This takes less than 5 minutes to make. I will add chopped celery, mayo (a super easy recipe I just started making) and light onion. I’ll eat it with a spoon or wrap it in lettuce if I have it available. This is one of my main items for emergency food and I always make sure I’m stocked up on it. Note: Be sure to read your labels on these canned foods. It should be about three ingredients (chicken/tuna, salt, water). Try to avoid buying canned food with soy.





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2.) Rotisserie Chicken





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This requires a quick stop at the store but a much better choice than my go-to Wendy’s. Plus, it is definitely more than one meal so you can use the rest for other meals throughout the week. Pair it with a salad in a bag or prepared in a box from the store and you’ve got an easy meal. Option four works too.





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3.) Cooked Meat at Deli Counter





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Another option I’ll use from time to time is just grabbing a cooked piece of meat at the deli counter. They also usually have salmon available too, but I’m not that much of a fish fan.





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4.) Stir Fry Vegetables





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This is a great side dish for any of the above, plus you don’t have to worry about your vegetables going bad since they are in the freezer. Grab a handful and saute your veggies. You can even chop your deli counter or rotisserie chicken to make it an official stir fry.





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5.) Omelets





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This is another easy five minute meal. If you have fresh vegetables to add, great! If not, use your frozen veggies & cook them up first. Deli ham chopped into chunks could be a nice addition if you want a ham and egg omelet.





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